Our churches are located throughout the South Essex area in Basildon, Billericay, Wickford and Thurrock. In total we have 11 places of worship varying in size and worship style. Wherever in the circuit you worship I’m sure you will find yourself among a warm and welcoming congregation.
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Since the dawn of the day, O God,
my sisters and brothers have sat with you.
In joy and distress,
in confidence and fear.
As we seek to be one with you, Lord,
we seek to be one with them.
Scripture tells us that, as we bear one another's burdens,
we fulfil the law of Christ.
Show us what it means to share the burdens
of your planet and its many people;
to think and to act for good
for the whole of your worldwide family,
especially where our advantages
give us greater power
to build a better world for others.
We sit with you now
as our sisters and brothers sit with you,
under the one sun,
made one in your Son.
Postal Address: c/o Langdon Hills Methodist Church, Emmanuel Road, Langdon Hills, Basildon, SS16 6EX
Telephone: 01268 544649
Email: secircuit@yahoo.co.uk